To Mom and the Dad I never knew

Days like today/yesterday always make me think of the Dad I never had and wish I knew — the one friends and relatives would say was the life of the party, was charismatic and creative, a true San Francisco native who served as the fire department’s paramedic, and loved taking photographs and art and collecting books and vinyl records still lining up my childhood home to this day.

Family always said they see him through me and my brothers — our love for music, art, dance and maybe our wildly eccentric and open-minded natures. It makes me wonder, what would he think of me/us today? What kind of lessons would he have taught us? How different would we all be today if he were around?

And then these days always remind me of my Mom, a single mother who raised us all on her own, who was nothing but kind and responsible and raised us all with her cool, calm head on her shoulders. How she faced an unexpected future at the start of our lives is something I will never know, but will always be grateful for.

I’ve spent the majority of my childhood not realizing the void that was left within me, but has always stayed and allowed me to chase, live out and dream up the life that I had always wished and yearned for, which I can attribute to the blood of my mother and father and ancestors who live within and through me.

To Mom and Dad, wherever you may be, I love and miss you, always, and this one goes out to you… 🤍

With love and honesty,


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